Changing the subject line for good ...

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Lamar Owen <> wrote:
> On Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:23:51 AM Brunner, Brian T. wrote:
>> AIUI: In previous releases, RH distributed source + patches.  Starting
>> 6.0 RH releases patched source.  This makes backing out a patch, or
>> backporting patches from future development in Fedora (e.g.) far more
>> nightmarish than before.
> This one doesn't impact the CentOS core rebuild.  It would/could impact 
> CentOSPlus.

Yes, it _could_ affect the centosplus kernel. This point was addressed
early on when RHEL-6 was released back in Nov 2010. See:

Point 2 (note 12051) is the one that is relevant. I welcome any
feedback / suggestions for the proposed method I outlined there.
While you are there, look also at the issues described for Point 3
(note 12052). Anyone can help in there as well. :)

So far, "luckily" centosplus kernels are "ahead of" the distro kernel
in that they have been built and are available for testing (see note

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