on 4/7/2011 2:08 PM Emmanuel Noobadmin spake the following:
> On 4/8/11, Rudi Ahlers <r...@softdux.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:58 PM, R P Herrold <herr...@owlriver.com> wrote:
>>> and so we should tell people:
>>>        We will ship it when it is done; please come back
>>>        then
>>> Got it.  Great idea
>> Isn't that what you've beeb telling people this whole time?
> I think the problem here is people can see the bread is still steaming
> hot at the bakery. Unfortunately the current situation is that we
> don't see the bread here and it's been so long that people feel it
> should be cool enough to slice and too many of them didn't hear the
> brief and far in between mutters that says bread had to be reheated to
> kill bacterias detected. ;)
It's more like they are still fixing the oven, and mixing the dough

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