> > John, please stop cluttering the list with your  complaining. It's
> > making a right mess for those of that wish to discuss  the project and
> > its direction.
>     Wow.   Pot?  Kettle?  So, let me get this straight.  People  are
>     able to bitch, whine, complain and needlessly threaten  to leave
>     the project to their heart's content and that's  ok.  But when I
>     point out how idiotic and irrelevant  it is to publicly threaten
>     to leave, or inform the list  membership that they are leaving,
>     that's  not?
>     Really?  If you're serious about this you're  a complete tool.
>     In fact there is no if here, you're  just a tool.  
>     Simply...  Wow.

Obviously the irony/sarcasm was too subtle for you.

In my opinion, you absolutely need to get your own house in order. The value of 
that last post was *zero*. As for bitching, whining and complaining, your last 
post had the lot. As for the name calling... as you say "wow", yeah, simply 
wow.  I expect that was my fault for 'making you' do it, was it?

As for the "leaving" stuff, I haven't suggested that myself in this thread. In 
normal community discussion, I think it reasonable for somebody to comment if 
they feel the project isn't meeting its stated goals *in their opinion*... It 
called Free Speech. It doesn't matter if it gets said a thousand times by 
different people.

I use Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS (4,5) and SL depending on the particular 
circumstances. That general approach hasn't and won't change. So there is not 
"leaving" for me.

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