Phil Schaffner wrote:
> wrote on 04/08/2011 04:10 PM:
> ..
>> What you have to do is tell it no bootloader, then before you reboot at
>> the end of the install, use<f-2>  or whatever to get to another screen,
>> then... lessee, I forget if it's mounted the install as /mnt/sysimage or
>> not, but mount your /boot on the h/d, chroot, edit /boot/grub/device map
>> so it shows HD 0,0, and then grub-install /dev/sdb (or whatever). Then
>> when you reboot, you should be ok; if not, linux rescue, and do all
>> that.
> No need for all that. Just use "Advanced bootloader options" for GRUB
> and change the device order so the target boot device shows up at the
> top of the list.

In a standard install? I'll look, but don't remember that option.

> Phil
> P.S. Something with your mail client is breaking threading for mine
> (Thunderbird).
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