----- Original Message ----
> From: Ron Blizzard <rb4cen...@gmail.com>
> To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
> Sent: Thu, 21 April, 2011 1:59:19
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Centos 6 Update?
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Ian Murray <murra...@yahoo.co.uk>  wrote:
> > Seriously, just skip over my posts. I am not forcing you to  read them. I'll
> > finish when I am good and ready... not when *you*  decide.
> I'm trying to figure out why someone who, apparently, hates the  CentOS
> distribution so much, spends so much time attacking it. If I  detested
> a Linux distribution I would move on to something else. Or do you  even
> use CentOS any more? (Serious question.)

Detest? Hate? I have nothing against the distribution and yes I do still use it 
on several virtual server and look after several other CentOS based systems, 
i.e. SME and AsteriskNOW. I can't be bothered to migrate off, but would think 
twice about any new public facing installs. That applies to all rebuilds at the 
moment, as I am not convinced about the model for the moment.

In case nobody noticed, I am only responding to other comments. If I was 
constantly starting threads of the same topic, I would agree that it would be 

Not the first time that attempts are made to silence someone through 
discreditation, though.

> -- 
> RonB -- Using  CentOS 5.6
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