On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Janne TH. Nyman <jny...@jbtec.org> wrote:
> Who cares? I find it amazing that these guys still keep on building and
> providing considering how their "users" treat them.
> Team CentOS, keep your heads up. For me, you are still the best thing
> that happened since sliced bread.
> Come on, community, where is your love?
> My 2 pence,

Hopefully, deep down, the CentOS developers know that it's the same
few whiners over and over and over and over again... like broken
records. They've got it in their mind that they know so much better
how it *should* be done. Armchair quarterbacks always *know* better.

At any rate, +1.

RonB -- Using CentOS 5.6
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