On Fri, 2011-06-03 at 23:49 -0400, RILINDO FOSTER wrote:
> Okay, it took a few minutes, but I figure it out.  Seems that Scientific 
> Linux eems to regress a bit in this area. 
> With Centos, you need to bind like so:
> /home/share           /exports/share          none    bind    0 0
> /home/vhosts          /exports/vhosts         none    bind    0 0
> And then specify the options (including fsid0):
> in /etc/exports
> /exports      *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash)
> /exports/vhosts       
> *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash)
> /exports/share        
> *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash)
> [root@centos home]# 
This is not right AFAIK, fsid should be specified ONLY on the export
root. Search for fsid in "man expports"

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