On Sunday, July 10, 2011 05:12 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 02:05:26PM -0700, Craig White wrote:
>> The reality is that applications are becoming more and more web based
>> SAAS and as the costs of specific applications needed on specific
>> platforms (ie, Quickbooks) rise, web based SAAS will replace them. The
>> point is that for end users, the OS is eventually going to become
>> irrelevant.
> Tell that to the gamers that drive computer sales and technology
> advances.

/me rotfl. How big is the PC gaming market again? Compared to that of 
the console gaming market and other software markets. Oh, and the fact 
that crap like the Intel Atom have become rather popular.

Where is the blooming mass market HMD? How many gamers play as depicted 
in .hack? Look at the blow gaming accessories such as joysticks, rudders 
and throttles have taken.
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