On 7/26/2011 10:18 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
>> Keep in mind that the Linux kernel itself makes no concessions to
>> backwards compatibility and demands that all related modules be
>> recompiled to match changes.
> One of my paragraphs originally included a fairly lengthy passage on kernel 
> ABI compatibility, but I trimmed it out, and I 'genericized' to more than 
> just the one project, and put in parentheses the statement 'partly to prevent 
> closed-source programs from continuing to work' as a more generic thing, more 
> than just binary kernel modules.
> It's most assuredly not just the kernel.

Yes, its only a slight over-generalization to say that free projects 
have no obligation to existing customers and they usually prefer 'new 
and different' development to boring backward compatible support work.

Even though RHEL isn't a free project, there's only so much they can do 
to reconcile the wild changes in the code they include.

   Les Mikesell
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