On Sat, 2011-08-27 at 14:47 -0500, John R. Dennison wrote:

> You've never once tried to be quiet - you're like an annoying dog that
> never stops barking.  You've got run-on of the fingers and seem to think
> that your input is a must-have in nearly every thread that passes
> through this list.  You preach opinion as if it was the holy word of
> $deity and the amount of bad advice that I've seen from you is simply
> astounding.  And the fact is that many of your posts are better suited
> for a general linux list than a distro-specific list.
> By you own admission you're not overly experienced with linux so perhaps
> it would be in not only your best interests but those of the readers of
> this list as well for you to lurk more until you learn more.  Just a
> thought.

Please refrain from provoking me.

Thank you.


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