on 10/3/2011 10:21 AM Bade Iriabho spake the following:
> This may be a noob question but there is something I have been trying to
> understand, there are currently three main versions of CentOS 4, 5, and 6.
> My main question is simply how do I know what version I should deploy? I
> have searched online and either I did not do a good job of searching or the
> information I get is inadequate.
> To better understand why I ask this question, here are some of the build up
> questions.
> - Is there an online resource that lists (compare/contrast) the different
> versions (i.e. 4, 5, and 6) and why you should pick a particular one?
> - Is a particular version the best for a web server, how do I know this?
> - Should or does it matter what version I deploy?
> - Can assume that once a version is decided upon, one should stick to the
> latest release. i.e. for version 5, go with 5.7 right now?
> If you can point me to an online resource, that would be awesome as well.
> B.I.
I would install the newest if it is a clean start and not replacing anything. 
It will have the longest remaining support cycle. The versions are more like 
snapshots in time than actually being different. 4 is nearing the end of its 
life, and 5 is over half way through. The only reason to go back to an older 
version is if you have some software that you need, that only will run on the 
older versions, or older hardware that the new version won't run on...

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