On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Vinay Nagrik <vnag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Group,
> I am installed some application running on top of Centos 5.2 OS and these
> applications are running fine.  However, we are thinking of upgrading our
> 5.2 Centos to 5.7 (hot upgrade).  That is we want to upgrade from 5.2 Centos
> to 5.7 Centos and not disturb the applications.
> Is it possible?  Could someone please help.

It is rare for a 'yum update' to disturb already working applications.
 It is possible of course, but the point of 'enterprise' distributions
is that a lot of care is taken to not break things (i.e. make changes
that aren't backwards compatible) within a major release version.

Not sure if it is necessary but there were some quirks in the updates
along the way that might make it a good idea to:

yum update glibc\* rpm\* yum\* python\*
before doing a full 'yum update'.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

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