On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Rajagopal Swaminathan
<raju.rajs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> And $200 for a
>>> book reader?
>> That's a fantastic price for a color tablet - they are almost
>> certainly losing money on it.
> Dear Les, Look at Per capita monthly income of other countries: less
> that USD 100.

Averages don't mean that much in places with high income disparity.

> And do you think anybody would buy that when they have a family to support?

Yes, if they were available there - does the much more expensive ipad
have any sales?

> All I will request you all is to open your eyes beyond technology.

Sorry, I thought you were just against technology in the home or
saying that it somehow interfered with family life.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

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