Toralf Lund wrote:
>> Ned Slider wrote:
>>> On 22/01/13 14:32, Toralf Lund wrote:
>>>> How exactly are you supposed to configure the display (i.e. set up
>>>> X11) on a CentOS 6 system? I mean, in the past, there was
>>>> system-config-display, but that's not supported any more. There is
>>>> gnome-display-properties/System->Preferences->Display, but that seems
>>>> to rely completely on auto-detection of the graphics card and monitors.
>>>> What if this fails? Surely there should be a way to specify everything
>>>> by hand?
>>> Yes, Xorg will still use /etc/X11/xorg.conf if present so you can craft
>>> a config file by hand.
>> still miss Xfree86 and the xconfigurator, that was *NOT*
>>desktop-dependant, and let you configure graphically and tune it.
> Exactly. The tool mentioned above was actually post XFree86, though...

Right. I hate having to edit xorg.conf by hand - it's a real pain, init 3,
edit, startx, wait for it to crap out, or <ctrl><alt><bkspc>....
> Anyhow, I guess I suspected that the program was removed completely with
> no real replacement. Bad decision, if you ask me, but I suppose Red Hat is
> to blame, and not the CentOS people. It's nice to know that you can still

Oh, of course it was RH's. I think they've gone to "but it'll work out of
the box, like WinDoze!!!" (not that they're alone in that).
> It seems like the  system-config-display still can be built and used on
> the latest versions, though. I actually found a binary version via a
> little search. It actually turned out that I didn't need it to get my
> display up and running, as the problem was actually a missing driver
> package, but I still think it's nice to have.

Really! Do you have a link to src?


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