On Tuesday 07 May 2013, "Bidwell, Christopher" <cbidw...@usgs.gov> 

> My question is what kind of time frame are we looking at when a 
> vulnerability (critical or high) is announced and a patch has been 
> released for RHEL does it get implemented into CentOS?

>From the FAQ, http://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/General:

> 2. How long after Red Hat publishes a fix does it take for CentOS to
> publish a fix?
> Our goal is to have individual RPM packages available on the mirrors
> within 72 hours of their release, and normally they are available
> within 24 hours. Occasionally packages are delayed for various
> reasons. On rare occasions packages may be built and pushed to the
> mirrors but not available via yum. (This is because yum-arch has not
> been run on the master mirror. This may happen when issues with
> upstream packages are discovered shortly after their release, and if
> releasing the package would break it's functionality.)

Yves Bellefeuille <y...@storm.ca>
Mekaro en Otavo, Kanado, 18-20 majo 2013: http://mekaro.ca/

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