On May 6, 2013, at 1:39 PM, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
> Interesting. I need to look at them further.
> HOWEVER: I saw something there about unpacking an .exe... and googled
> that, and found someone talking about doing that... which led me to
> cabextract, and, sure 'nough, I now have what was in that exe - flat
> files, CD, floppy! even a WinDoze floppy label printer!
> Now all I have to do is figure out which will be easiest to use - I'm
> hoping I can just copy the flat files or the floppy files, or USB files,
> and reboot into freedos and go.

Can you get to this page without a service contract?  You do have to log in.


There's a 2.5 GB bootable ISO that has all the updates for the entire Proliant 
line, basically, as well as the Bladeserver line.

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