On May 21, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Glenn Eychaner <geycha...@mac.com> wrote:

> I'm having a puzzling problem with system-config-network-cmd in CentOS 
> 6.4.... This all works great, EXCEPT that if the machine is booted a fixed-IP 
> profile, the the DHCP ifcfg file also winds up in 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.  So, if I have in 
> profiles/dhcp/ifcfg-eth0_dhcp (with a hardlink in devices/, of course):

After some fooling around, I figured out that the problem is with the default 
profile. When you switch profiles, it copies whatever devices are in the 
profile you switched to AND whatever is in the default profile into 
.../network-scripts/, and if you delete the default profile or remove all the 
network devices, it will *repopulate it for you* the next time you switch.  And 
of course you can't just use the same generic name in all the profiles 
(ifcfg_eth0), because then it gets really confused since the device names in 
.../profiles/* have to match the devices in .../devices/.

This is a CHANGE in behavior from CentOS 5, and whoever thought it was a good 
idea should be forced to use Windows ME for 30 days.

Glenn Eychaner (geycha...@lco.cl)
Telescope Systems Programmer, Las Campanas Observatory

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