On Mon, 2013-07-08 at 12:37 +0200, Patrick Hurrelmann wrote:
> On 08.07.2013 11:57, Tru Huynh wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 09:33:56AM +0200, Filip Bartmann wrote:
> >> I found, that RedHat released RedHat Software Collections for RedHat EL
> >> 6, will this be sometimes available for CentOS too?
> > 
> > http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2013-January/009007.html
> > 
> > Tru
> Hi Tru,
> I guess Filip was more referring to the software collection itself. I'm
> also very interested in builds for mysql-5.5, postgresql-9.2 and
> especially in ruby-1.9.3.
> There are some beta/candidate repositories at
> http://people.redhat.com/~hhorak/software-collections/ and
> http://people.redhat.com/bkabrda/
> Does anyone have access to the sources? At least I could not find them
> on upstream's ftp and would be happy to try rebuilding them.
> Best regards
> Patrick

Hello Patrick,

Atomic Corp [0] packages mysql-5-5, you can give them a try I have been
using their repo for over a year, however I only use them for mysql and

[0] https://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic

Kind Regards
Earl Ramirez
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