On 08/19/2013 09:23 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 8/19/2013 5:20 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
>> So I just got ahold of an old e-Machine (Model EL1600) with 1GB of
>> memory. I was going to install CEntOS on it and try to run VirtualBox
>> for other OS'es. I am curious to know if I have to stick with the 2GB
>> "max" the specs say the machine can take or if its possible to install a
>> 4GB module that is designed the same? In other words I have seen 2GB DDR
>> PC2700 memory that will fit the casing and work, but I have ALSO seen
>> 4GB DDR PC6400 memory modules with the same number of pins (240) will
>> this work? I would want to have as much memory in there that will allow
>> the VirtualBox to run smoothly.....any help would be appreciated!
> if you are running VMs, you pretty much have to have more real memory
> than all your VM's plus your main system are using.  I run virtualbox on
> machines with 8gb and more ram.   with only 1gb, if you run a single
> 512MB VM, you'll only have 512MB left for your regular system too.
> what are you going to install in a 512MB VM other than very stripped
> systems?
I see that Stephen was right, this box will only max out at 2GB,.....so 
I guess I'll install something else on it and look to install  CEntOS on 
the "uber-machine" that I have on standby (1TB HDD - 6GB RAM - 
AMDFX9370...etc.) I just wanted to see if there was any "hope" for this 
box....thanks everyone!

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