On Aug 23, 2013, at 8:00 AM, centos-requ...@centos.org wrote:

> From: Fred Smith <fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] USB Audio sound card
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:03:08PM -0400, Glenn Eychaner wrote:
>> On Aug 22, 2013, at 3:11 PM, Glenn Eychaner <geycha...@mac.com> wrote:
>> I apologize.  I should have said here "A quick search of the web (and the 
>> NewEgg
>> comments) indicates that these devices generally work under *Linux*, but do 
>> they
>> work in CentOS 6?
> good point. I should have known that's what you meant.
> however, it gives one hope. especially since many of those comments are
> a couple years old, it's given time for drivers to work their way into
> other distros--assuming the drivers were new at that time, and they may
> not have been.
> especially that first one you ask about is dirt cheap, so maybe the way
> to do it is to go buy one and try it.

If I were in the U.S., I certainly would do that.  As it is, I'm in Chile; if I 
can even find something similar here, it will likely be more expensive (I found 
one so far, but it's a high-end 5.1 model and costs USD$40), and ordering from 
the U.S. is a multiweek turnaround time. Hence, I decided to ask first and 
suffer the wrath of the list for "asking the obvious".

Glenn Eychaner (geycha...@lco.cl)
Telescope Systems Programmer, Las Campanas Observatory

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