On 12/09/2013 07:03 AM, Mogens Kjaer wrote:
> On 12/09/2013 01:43 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> Therefore the only difference is the signatures, and that difference is
>> the time being 1 second different in the rpm metadata ...
> A part from the timestamps being different, is it the same key that
> is used for signing i386 and x86_64 packages?
> And why does the OP get an error message?
> Is running hardlinkpy on the mirror tree a bad idea in general?
> Mogens

Yes, it is signed by the same key ... but the rpm is not identical. (The
difference being a different md5sum because rpm metadata (signature
time) is different).

He does not say HOW the installation fails ... one would have to look at
the kickstart file to see.

If the ks install is looking at a real 6.5 and pointing at it, it should
work fine.  If he is pointing at something else, maybe not.  I would
personally just delete the files in question and rsync again to make
sure they are replaced.

Rsync, if it sees the same file and the same date, will not validate the
crc without a -c switch ... that would take forever for a whole tree, so
I would delete the files in question and sync again from a 6.5 tree.

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