On 01/17/2014 05:03 PM, IonPacepa wrote:
> "Every one of "you", unhappy ones, could have created your own rebuild,"
> A lot of Redhat rebuild projects gave up their very existence to support a
> single CentOS.
> Not giving up the secret sauce is about control and power in the hand of a
> few that have now financially benefited and retain a dictatorship on
> roadmaps, release information and code.

Path to CentOS core member is simple. You join CentOS Q&A team, and 
after some time proving you are reliable, you might join them.

Unless you prove your self, you can not even get job of supervisor to a 
bunch of clerks in supermarket, right? It is dangerous to allow unproven 
persons messing with such trusted OS like CentOS.

> Community here is a consumer of a built OS, but there is no community in how
> it gets built. And with this centralized power comes the takeover and
> payouts.
> If Redhat wasnt trying to block OEL or SL or trying to control CentOS and
> make it different, they would simply offer RHEL for free on their own. This
> allows them to wean the world off of CentOS at what is likely to be a
> glacial pace at first then by Redhat we will have all given up.

So you just skipped everything else I said and just reiterated what you 
said in first e-mail?

Ok, what ever, I am done wasting time on you.

Ljubomir Ljubojevic
(Love is in the Air)
PL Computers
Serbia, Europe

StarOS, Mikrotik and CentOS/RHEL/Linux consultant
CentOS mailing list

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