we do test about "rm directories" repeatedly, and the result confused us a lot.
build ceph v0.30 on linux-2.6.37
folllow below steps:
$ mount -t ceph /mnt
$ mkdir /mnt/a
$ cd /mnt
$ rm -rf a
from the kernel client debug log, in the process "readdir a", we can't
read directory "a" in client's cache,
 trace to  soruce code , we find "(ci->i_ceph_flags &
CEPH_I_COMPLETE)" is false, so client can't do "__dcache_readdir"
function(Dir.c line 262),which was used to read data from cache.
so client sends a request to MDS to get infomation of dir "a", that
consumes much time, we can not tolerate if it needs 10s to remove 10
dirs. we are not clear that why client can't read dir "a" from it
local cache?

thanks !
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