The new site is great!  I like the Ceph documentation, however I found
a couple of typos.  Is this the best place address them?  (Some of the
apparent typos may be my not understanding what is going on.)

The  "Hardware Recommendations" link near the bottom of the page gives
a 404.  Did you want to point to ?

For  "osd client message size cap"  The default value is 500 MB but
the description lists it a 200 MB.

The line of code: "size = 4 * 1024 * 1024  # 4 GiB" appears to be
missing a * 1024, and the next line
 is "rbd_inst.create('myimage', 4)" when it probably should be
"rbd_inst.create('myimage', size)" This is repeated several times.
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  • [no subject] Tim Flavin
    • Re: Josh Durgin

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