On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Andrew Thompson <andre...@aktzero.com> wrote:
> Looking at old archives, I found this thread which shows that to mount a
> pool as cephfs, it needs to be added to mds:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ceph.devel/5685
> I started a `rados cppool data tempstore` a couple hours ago. When it
> finishes, will I need to remove the current pool from mds somehow(other than
> just deleting the pool)?
> Is `ceph mds add_data_pool <poolname>` still required? (It's not listed in
> `ceph --help`.)

If the pool you are trying to grow pg_num for really is a CephFS data
pool, I fear a "rados cppool" is nowhere near enough to perform a
migration. My understanding is that each of the inodes stored in
cephfs/on ceph-mds'es knows what pool the file data resides in; you
shoveling the objects into another pool with "rados cppool" doesn't
change these pointers, removing the old pool will just break the

Before we go too far down this road: is your problem pool *really*
being use as a cephfs data pool? Based on how it's not named "data"
and you're just now asking about "ceph mds add_data_pool", it seems
that's not likely..
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