On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:05 PM, Sage Weil <s...@inktank.com> wrote:
> We observed an interesting situation over the weekend.  The XFS volume
> ceph-osd locked up (hung in xfs_ilock) for somewhere between 2 and 4
> minutes.  After 3 minutes (180s), ceph-osd gave up waiting and committed
> suicide.  XFS seemed to unwedge itself a bit after that, as the daemon was
> able to restart and continue.
> The problem is that during that 180s the OSD was claiming to be alive but
> not able to do any IO.  That heartbeat check is meant as a sanity check
> against a wedged kernel, but waiting so long meant that the ceph-osd
> wasn't failed by the cluster quickly enough and client IO stalled.
> We could simply change that timeout to something close to the heartbeat
> interval (currently default is 20s).  That will make ceph-osd much more
> sensitive to fs stalls that may be transient (high load, whatever).
> Another option would be to make the osd heartbeat replies conditional on
> whether the internal heartbeat is healthy.  Then the heartbeat warnings
> could start at 10-20s, ping replies would pause, but the suicide could
> still be 180s out.  If the stall is short-lived, pings will continue, the
> osd will mark itself back up (if it was marked down) and continue.
> Having written that out, the last option sounds like the obvious choice.
> Any other thoughts?

Another option would be to have the osd reply to the ping with some
health description.

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