On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:28 AM, Joao Eduardo Luis
<joao.l...@inktank.com> wrote:
> On 01/27/2013 11:10 PM, Cesar Mello wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just tried rest-bench. This little tool is wonderful, thanks!
>> I still have to learn lots of things. So please don't spend much time
>> explaining me, but instead please give me any pointers to
>> documentation or source code that can be useful. As a curiosity, I'm
>> pasting the results from my laptop. I'll repeat the same tests using
>> my desktop as the server.
>> Notice there is an assert being triggered, so I guess I'm running a
>> build with debugging code ?!. I compiled using ./configure
>> --with-radosgw --with-rest-bench followed by make.
> asserts are usually used to mark invariants on the code logic, and are
> always built, regardless debugging being enabled or disabled.  Given you are
> hitting one, it probably means something is not quite right (might be a bug,
> or some invariant was broken for some reason).
>> common/WorkQueue.cc: In function 'virtual ThreadPool::~ThreadPool()'
>> thread 7f1211401780 time 2013-01-27 20:51:01.196525
>> common/WorkQueue.cc: 59: FAILED assert(_threads.empty())
>>   ceph version 0.56-464-gfa421cf
>> (fa421cf5f52ca16fa1328dbea2f4bda85c56cd3f)
>>   1: (ThreadPool::~ThreadPool()+0x10c) [0x43bf9c]
>>   2: (RESTDispatcher::~RESTDispatcher()+0xf1) [0x42a021]
>>   3: (main()+0x75b) [0x42521b]
>>   4: (__libc_start_main()+0xed) [0x7f120f37576d]
>>   5: rest-bench() [0x426079]
>>   NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is
>> needed to interpret this.
> Looks like http://tracker.newdream.net/issues/3896
Right, 3896. Probably some cleanup before shutdown issues.

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