On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 6:37 AM, Sylvain Munaut
<s.mun...@whatever-company.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering how I could update a key's metadata like the "Content-Type".
> The solution on S3 seem to be to copy the key on itself and replacing
> meta data. If I do that in ceph, will it work ? And more importantly,
> will it be done "intelligently" (i.e. without copying the actual file
> data around).

Same API in S3, copying an object into itself. For Swift there's a
POST request with updated metadata. Data (other than the first chunk)
isn't really copied.

> I tried reading the code, but although part of the code seem to hint
> at support for this (in rgw_rest_s3.cc), some other part seem to not
> look at all if the src == dst  (like rgw_op.cc).

Right. It is actually missing and it's a bug. I've opened ceph issue #4150.

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