On 23 Apr 2013, at 17:06, Sylvain Munaut <s.mun...@whatever-company.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>> - client dom0: a simple quick debootstrap, and a low amount of memory to 
>> bypass buffers
> I assume you meant domU ?
> You ran those tests in a VM right ?

Right! DomU indeed, not dom0. The benchmarks are done on /dev/xvdb, being the 
rbd device. I was able to block-attach/detach them also on the dom0, but that 
is trivial once it works.

>> Thx for the work you've put in this! Seems to work nicely at first glance, 
>> but I'll do some more tests later on (with a more recent ceph cluster)...
> Thanks for testing. When you do more tests, it'd be interesting to
> compare the kernel driver with the blktap driver.

I'll be upgrading my testcluster first to the latest stable ceph release, and 
then run some endurance-tests against the setup. But that won't happen before 
mid next week.

> I've actually identified a bottleneck caused the Xen IO ring splitting
> large requests into small 44k chunks, which tends to lower RBD
> performance a lot ... I'l still investigating possible solutions to
> that.

Feel free to bug me once it is fixed, if you want some testing.

Openminds BVBA

> Cheers,
>    Sylvain
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