Andreas Peters suggested another approach, which makes sense to me : have one 
plugin with SSE optimizations enabled, another without them and chose at 
runtime between the two. 

What do you think ?

On 23/03/2014 20:50, Loic Dachary wrote:
> Hi Laurent,
> In the context of optimizing erasure code functions implemented by Kevin 
> Greenan (cc'ed) and James Plank at 
> we ran accross a question you may 
> have the answer to: can gcc -msse2 (or -msse* for that matter ) have a 
> negative impact on the portability of the compiled binary code ? 
> In other words, if a code is compiled without -msse* and runs fine on all 
> intel processors it targets, could it be that adding -msse* to the 
> compilation of the same source code generate a binary that would fail on some 
> processors ? This is assuming no sse specific functions were used in the 
> source code.
> In gf-complete, all sse specific instructions are carefully protected to not 
> be run on a CPU that does not support them. The runtime detection is done by 
> checking CPU id bits ( see 
>  )
> The corresponding thread is at:
> Cheers

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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