On 07/19/2015 05:28 AM, Loic Dachary wrote:

> I think it achieves the same thing and is less error prone in the case of 
> backports. The risk is that upgrading from v0.94.2-34 to the version with 
> this change will fail because the conditions are satisified (it thinks all 
> versions after v0.94.2 have the change). But the odds of having a test 
> machine with this specific version already installed are close to 
> non-existent. The odds of us picking the wrong number and ending up with 
> something that's either too high or too small are higher.
> What do you think ?

I think this is great, thanks for proposing it. We should also write our
convention down someplace (SubmittingPatches, or the wiki, or something)

- Ken
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