On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:38 AM, Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org> wrote:
> Hi Ceph,
> The title sounds a little strange (Citerias to become a Ceph project) because 
> I'm not aware of projects initiated by someone external to Ceph that later 
> became part of the Ceph nebula of projects (as found at 
> http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ or http://github.com/ceph/). I can however 
> imagine that a piece of software developed with no interaction with the Ceph 
> development community could be contributed and become a valuable addition 
> (port to non GNU/Linux Operating Systems, monitoring applications for mobile 
> devices etc.).
> Although publishing the code of such a component under a Free Software 
> license is a natural first step, there is more to do before it becomes part 
> of what we (the community of Ceph developers) care for on a regular basis. 
> Borrowing the OpenStack requirements ( at 
> http://governance.openstack.org/reference/new-projects-requirements.html ), 
> it could be expressed as:
>     Free Software:
>         The proposed project uses a Free Software license as published at 
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#SoftwareLicenses
>         Project must have no library dependencies which effectively restrict 
> how the project may be distributed or deployed
>     Open Community:
>         The leadership is chosen by the contributors to the project
>         The project has regular public meetings on IRC and those meetings are 
> logged and published
>     Open Development:
>         The project uses public code reviews
>         The project has core reviewers and adopts a test-driven gate
>         The project provides liaisons that serve as contacts for the work of 
> cross-project teams in Ceph
>         Where it makes sense, the project cooperates with existing projects 
> rather than gratuitously competing or reinventing the wheel
>         Where appropriate, the project adopts technology and patterns used by 
> existing Ceph projects
>     Open Design:
>         The project direction is discussed at the Ceph Design Summit and/or 
> on public forums
>         The project uses the ceph-devel ML to discuss issues
> These requirements are formal in the case of OpenStack but they could also be 
> used in the context of Ceph, not as requirements but as a guideline.
> What do you think ?

Several small projects have been added to the Ceph constellation
despite being initially implemented outside of our systems. Mostly
things like rados-java and phprados.

Obviously those are small and related to Ceph, and the process was
"let's add this to the Ceph Github?" "Okay." I think if we need more
formal rules we can invent them as we go; Ceph is not OpenStack and
isn't going to be supervising the same volume nor breadth of
individual groups.
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