I'm busy travelling and wrapping other things up, but will resume major
work on this in August, probably week 2/3, depending on other

It's almost complete, the only missing features are:
- error page fetcher gets confused on conditional requests (I think a
  different approach is needed, esp re range & if-modified requests,
  they still seem to leak into the custom req_info on the second request)
- cascaded errors on conditional requests need more handling (eg
  404 bounces to the error page that doesn't exist as well)
Some further work that isn't blocking is also:
- review handling of x-amz-website-redirect-location header when it
  conflicts with RoutingRules
- Check what input validations Amazon does, because already they don't
  match the docs 
  - eg docs say any http code for redirect, but it really only allows
        301-305, 307, 308
  - Exact validation on the URI/paths is also not immediately clear, I
        had some unexpected results with URL-escaped inputs.
- Review cases in which AMZ sets the errors in the header as well as the
  page, didn't seem consistent, esp in the double-error cases.
- more cleanup/refactor of test cases

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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