On 15/08/2015 17:49, Abhishek Varshney wrote:> Hi Loic,
> Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have created an issue to keep track of 
> hammer v0.94.4 release here : http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/12701.  I guess 
> the HOWTO page (http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki/HOWTO) 
> would be updated with this tracker issue once v0.94.3 is released? Please 
> correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct.

Could you also update the header 
http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/12701#teuthology-run-commit to mimic 
 ? It should be

.h3 teuthology run commit e1dadd3da9e39daf669f94715c7833d2b280bbed
(hammer backports August-14)

Because $ git rev-parse ceph/hammer-backports

which is the branch you populated and that was compiled by 

The content of this h3. section should the the output of the command 

git --no-pager log --format='%H %s' --graph ceph/hammer..ceph/hammer-backports 
| perl -p -e 's/"/ /g; if (/\w+\s+Merge (\d+)/) { s|\w+\s+Merge (\d+).*|"Pull 
request $1":https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/$1|; } else { 
s|(\w+)\s+(.*)|"$2":https://github.com/ceph/ceph/commit/$1|; } s/\*/+/; s/^/* 

it starts with:

* +   "Pull request 5202":https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/5202
* |\  
* | + "rpm: add missing Java 
* +   "Pull request 5203":https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/5203
* |\  
* | + "Add rpm conditionals : 
* +   "Pull request 5204":https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/5204

and should render nicely.

This should then be followed by h4. section, one per test suite we are going to 

h4. rbd

./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rbd --subset $(expr 
$RANDOM % 5)/5 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email l...@dachary.org 
--ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 


Once this is done, I will copy paste the command to actually schedule the test. 
And then we'll have to wait a few days for it to complete.


> Regards
> Abhishek Varshney
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org 
> <mailto:l...@dachary.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Abhishek,
>     I'll be driving the next hammer point release (v0.94.4) and theanalyst 
> will participate as I did for v0.94.3 (i.e. helping and mentoring when there 
> is a need). During the v0.94.4 release you will have the opportunity to 
> participate in all the steps. When we move to v0.94.5 you'll hopefully know 
> all you need to drive it, should you want to. As you discovered over the past 
> few weeks, it's not a complex process, but there are a lot of details.
>     Contrary to what I told you the other day
> http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki/HOWTO_start_backporting_a_stable_release/diff?utf8=%E2%9C%93&version=7&version_from=6&commit=View+differences
>     is not the documentation you need to create a new ticket for v0.94.4 and 
> I removed this chapter to avoid further confusion. There is a more detailed 
> explanation at:
> http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki/HOWTO_start_working_on_a_new_point_release
>     A section was added as a reminder that someone has to volunteer to drive 
> the release.
> http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki/HOWTO_start_working_on_a_new_point_release/diff?utf8=%E2%9C%93&version=9&version_from=8&commit=View+differences
>     Let me know if you need anything else to create the issue vor v0.94.4.
>     Cheers
>     --
>     Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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