On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wen thru all pull request looking for those not related to anything (like 
> having "bug fix" without "core" or "rgw"). Now that there are many labels, 
> it's not trivial for someone not used to Ceph to sort out what's what. We 
> really have three kinds of labels:
>  * those that relate the pull request to an area / component of Ceph (rgw, 
> core, etc.)
>  * those used to remember at what stage of QA the pull request is (wip-* and 
> needs*qa)
>  * those that describe the kind of pull request (cleanup, bug fix, 
> performance etc.)
> To help reading the label I prefixed the names of rgw, core, etc. with 
> "related to". If someone think that's not helpful or too long to read, feel 
> free to revert, it's just a proposal.

You broke all my bookmarked searches. :( I've updated them now but I'm
really not sure this change is helpful — in particular, we don't need
these labels to make sense to people who aren't used to Ceph and it's
impossible to have them quickly auto-complete now with a long shared
prefix across them all...

> Cheers
> P.S. For backport snippets that set the component to "core" we'll need to 
> change that to "related to core" instead. Not too much of an inconvenience 
> IMHO but ...
> --
> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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