
This mail is to discuss the feature request at http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/13578.

If done, such a tool should help point out several mis-configurations that may cause problems in a cluster later.

Some of the suggestions are:

a) A check to understand if the MONs and OSD nodes are on the same machines.

b) If /var is a separate partition or not, to prevent the root filesystem from being filled up.

c) If monitors are deployed in different failure domains or not.

d) If the OSDs are deployed in different failure domains.

e) If a journal disk is used for more than six OSDs. Right now, the documentation suggests upto 6 OSD journals to exist on a single journal disk.

f) Failure domains depending on the power source.

There can be several more checks, and it can be a useful tool to test the problems an existing cluster or a new installation.

But I'd like to know how the engineering community sees this, if its seems to be worth pursuing, and what suggestions do you have for improving/adding to this.

Thank you,

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