On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Adam C. Emerson <aemer...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 04/12/2015, Gregory Farnum wrote:
>> I must be missing something here. As far as I can tell, "throw
>> FailedAssertion" only happens in assert.cc, and I know that stuff
>> doesn't destroy the relevant stack frames since I've pulled the info
>> out of core dumps when debugging?
>> -Greg
> The behavior I'm seeing is that when I am attached to a process with gdb, and
> an assertion fails it bounces all the way up to terminate with an uncaught
> exception.

Oh, yeah, I've no idea what it does when you're attached. I just want
to make sure it's generating core dump files on assert failure (that
is by far the most common way of generating and analyzing issues),
which it looks like abort() does, so fine with me. :)
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