On 12/17/15 1:09 PM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
>> Bug? Design?
> Somewhat a bug. The whole subusers that use s3 was unintentional, so
> when creating the subuser api, we didn't think of needing the access
> key. For some reason we do get the key type. Can you open a ceph
> tracker issue for that?
> You can try using the metadata api to modify the user once it has been
> created (need to get the user info, add the s3 key to the structure,
> put the user info).

This will actually create a subuser and the S3 keys correctly (but not
let you specify the access_key and secret_key).

HTTP/1.1" 200 87

I know about a 'GET /admin/metadata/user?format=json' to get the list of
users from the adminops.  I see I can do things like 'radosgw-admin
metadata get user:cephtest' but I can't seem to get something like this
to work.

/admin/metadata/get?format=json&key=user%3Acephtest HTTP/1.1" 404 20
ERROR:rgwadmin.rgw:{u'Code': u'NoSuchKey'}

Derek T. Yarnell
University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
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