On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 12:59:10PM +0300, Tadas wrote:
> Hello,
> I have strange issues with radosgw:
> When trying to PUT object with “transfer-encoding: chunked”, I can see high 
> request latencies.
> When trying to PUT the same object as non-chunked – latency is much lower, 
> and also request/s performance is better.
> Perhaps anyone had the same issue?
What is your latency to the RGW?

There's one downside to chunked encoding that I observed with CivetWeb
when I implemented chunked transfer encoding for the Bucket Listing.

Specifically, CivetWeb did not stuff the socket with all available
content, and instead only trickled out entries, waiting for each TCP
window ACK before the next segment was sent.

If the Bucket Listing took a long time to complete within RGW, the
time to the first results was hugely improved, but the time for the full
response MAY be worse if the latency was high, due to having more back &
forth in TCP ACKs.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Treasurer
E-Mail   : robb...@gentoo.org
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