
I'd like to know how DB device is expected to be handled by "orch osd rm".
What I see is that, DB device on SSD is untouched when OSD on HDD is removed
or replaced. "orch device zap" removes PV, VG and LV of the device.
It doesn't touch the DB LV on SSD.

To remove an OSD permanently, do I need to manually clean up the DB LV on SSD?

To replace and OSD, is the old DB LV going to be reused for the new OSD,
or a new DB LV will be created?

I am asking this because, to replace an OSD, when the OSD is removed,
I manually removed DB LV on SSD. Now, I try to add new OSD, but --try-run
doesn't show DB device.
# cat osd-spec.yaml
service_type: osd
service_id: osd-spec
 - ceph-osd-1
  #objectstore: bluestore
  #block_db_size: 32212254720
  #block_db_size: 64424509440
    rotational: 1
    #rotational: 0
    size: ":500GB"
#unmanaged: true

# ceph orch apply osd -i osd-spec.yaml --dry-run
|SERVICE  |NAME      |HOST        |DATA      |DB  |WAL  |
|osd      |osd-spec  |ceph-osd-1  |/dev/sdd  |-   |-    |
Any clues?


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