Frank Schilder <> writes:

> I think there are a couple of reasons for LVM OSDs:
> - bluestore cannot handle multi-path devices, you need LVM here
> - the OSD meta-data does not require a separate partition

However the meta-data is saved in a different LV, isn't it? I.e. isn't
practically the same as if you'd have used gpt partitions?

> - it is easy to provision 2 or more OSDs per disk
> - LVM's dm_cache is an alternative to separate block/db devices with
> the features that it can be dynamically re-sized at run-time and also
> allows to deviate from the 3/30/300 without wasting fast storage
> capacity; for example, we plan to have 1TB dm_cache per spinning disk
> on NVMe in the future; this would not only fit WAL/DB, it would also
> cache hot data; in addition one can configure it not to promote on
> first hit to prevent cache wiping by backup software

The last one is actually quite interesting and I've added it to our ceph
todo list for the future.

> I find it much easier to administrate LVM OSDs, I'm also using
> customized scripts and the ceph/volume lvm command suite simplifies
> things a lot.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, this is really helpful for us to see real
use cases on LVM.

Best regards from sunny Switzerland,


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