Thank you Stefan and Josh!
From: Josh Baergen <>
Sent: March 28, 2021 08:28 PM
To: Tony Liu
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Re: Do I need to update ceph.conf and restart each 
OSD after adding more MONs?

As was mentioned in this thread, all of the mon clients (OSDs included) learn 
about other mons through monmaps, which are distributed when mon membership and 
election changes. Thus, your OSDs should already know about the new mons.

mon_host indicates the list of mons that mon clients should try to contact at 
boot. Thus, it's important to have correct in the config but doesn't need to be 
updated after the process starts.

At least that's how I understand it; the config docs aren't terribly clear on 
this behaviour.


On Sat., Mar. 27, 2021, 2:07 p.m. Tony Liu, 
<<>> wrote:
Just realized that all config files (/var/lib/ceph/<cluster 
on all nodes are already updated properly. It must be handled as part of adding
MONs. But "ceph config show" shows only single host.


That means I still need to restart all services to apply the update, right?
Is this supposed to be part of adding MONs as well, or additional manual step?

From: Tony Liu <<>>
Sent: March 27, 2021 12:53 PM
To: Stefan Kooman;<>
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: Do I need to update ceph.conf and restart each OSD 
after adding more MONs?

# ceph config set osd.0 mon_host 
Error EINVAL: mon_host is special and cannot be stored by the mon

It seems that the only option is to update ceph.conf and restart service.

From: Tony Liu <<>>
Sent: March 27, 2021 12:20 PM
To: Stefan Kooman;<>
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: Do I need to update ceph.conf and restart each OSD 
after adding more MONs?

I expanded MON from 1 to 3 by updating orch service "ceph orch apply".
"mon_host" in all services (MON, MGR, OSDs) is not updated. It's still single
host from source "file".
What's the guidance here to update "mon_host" for all services? I am talking
about Ceph services, not client side.
Should I update ceph.conf for all services and restart all of them?
Or I can update it on-the-fly by "ceph config set"?
In the latter case, where the updated configuration is stored? Is it going to
be overridden by ceph.conf when restart service?


From: Stefan Kooman <<>>
Sent: March 26, 2021 12:22 PM
To: Tony Liu;<>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Do I need to update ceph.conf and restart each OSD 
after adding more MONs?

On 3/26/21 6:06 PM, Tony Liu wrote:
> Hi,
> Do I need to update ceph.conf and restart each OSD after adding more MONs?

This should not be necessary, as the OSDs should learn about these
changes through monmaps. Updating the ceph.conf after the mons have been
updated is advised.

> This is with 15.2.8 deployed by cephadm.
> When adding MON, "mon_host" should be updated accordingly.
> Given [1], is that update "the monitor cluster’s centralized configuration
> database" or "runtime overrides set by an administrator"?

No need to put that in the centralized config database. I *think* they
mean ceph.conf file on the clients and hosts. At least, that's what you
would normally do (if not using DNS).

Gr. Stefan
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