On 6/18/21 8:42 PM, Sage Weil wrote:

We've been beat up for years about how complicated and hard Ceph is.
Rook and cephadm represent two of the most successful efforts to
address usability (and not just because they enable deployment
management via the dashboard!), and taking advantage of containers was
one expedient way to get to where we needed to go.  If users feel
strongly about supporting packages, we can get much of the same
experience with another package-based orchestrator module.  My view,
though, is that we have much higher priority problems to tackle.

Regardless of the way Ceph is deployed, it will still stay complicated / hard, not? Ceph is a complex piece of many different pieces of software, working together in a distributed fashion. At least from my non-dev / admin / user point of view. So it might also become a huge trap for (naive) users: I can deploy Ceph in a handful of clicks (project aquarium from SUSE for example)*, but if it breaks, you still need to know how to fix it. And therefore it often helps to understand the workings of Ceph, and the OS, and containers, and networking and what not. Something they have not needed to learn beforehand. So ... maybe we also need to make sure that besides making easier to deploy, it should also be easier to troubleshoot Ceph. As long as the container runtime / orchestrator still works, containers might make "self healing" easier. If it does not ... it might be (way) harder.

* don't get me wrong, I think it's an awesome project.

Gr. Stefan
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