
Just got the chance to have a look, but I see lua scripting is new in version 
pacific ☹
I have octopus 15.2.14, will it be backported or no chance?

Istvan Szabo
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Agoda Services Co., Ltd.
e: istvan.sz...@agoda.com<mailto:istvan.sz...@agoda.com>

From: Yuval Lifshitz <ylifs...@redhat.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 7:38 PM
To: Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <istvan.sz...@agoda.com>
Cc: Wido den Hollander <w...@42on.com>; ceph-users@ceph.io
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Re: Metrics for object sizes

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Hi Istvan,
Hope this is still relevant... but you may want to have a look at this example:


where we log RGW object sizes to Prometheus.
would be easy to change it so it is per bucket and not per operation type.


On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 4:53 AM Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) 
<istvan.sz...@agoda.com<mailto:istvan.sz...@agoda.com>> wrote:
Objects inside RGW buckets like in couch base software they have their own 
metrics and has this information.

Istvan Szabo
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Agoda Services Co., Ltd.

On 2021. Apr 22., at 14:00, Wido den Hollander 
<w...@42on.com<mailto:w...@42on.com>> wrote:

On 21/04/2021 11:46, Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) wrote:
Is there any clusterwise metric regarding object sizes?
I'd like to collect some information about the users what is the object sizes 
in their buckets.

Are you talking about RADOS objects or objects inside RGW buckets?

I think you are talking about RGW, but I just wanted to check.

Afaik this information is not available for both RADOS and RGW.

Do keep in mind that small objects are much more expensive then large objects. 
The metadata overhead becomes costly and can even become problematic if you 
have millions of tiny (few kb) objects.


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