
I'm just copying this request from my colleague to this mailing list:
(Source https://lists.ceph.io/hyperkitty/list/d...@ceph.io/thread/NUPCDV7BC3NEBUPIDYFBSNAEY4KSDOGS/)

We've noticed a massive latency increase on object copy since the pacific
release. Prior pacific the copy operation finished in always less than a
second. The reproducer is quite simple:

s3cmd mb s3://test
truncate -s 10G test.img
s3cmd put test.img s3://test/test --multipart-chunk-size-mb=5000

# expect the time to be less than a second (at least for our env)
# there is a huge gap between latest and latest-octopus )
time s3cmd modify s3://test/test --add-header=x-amz-meta-foo3:Bar

We followed the developer instructions to spin-up the cluster and
bisected the following commit.


I'm not that involved to easily identify the cause from this commit, so
it looks more or less like the issue were introduced earlier it's just
getting used after the wide refactoring.

We've also tested with latest pacific release, the behavior is the same.

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