Den mån 7 nov. 2022 kl 13:04 skrev Sagittarius-A Black Hole
> I'm using the Tailscale VPN, which is based on wireguard and want to
> make the Ceph cluster available offsite.
> Now I have seen that ceph does not bind the mon to the tailscale
> interface, so it is not available over it. Nmap shows the ceph port
> 6789 not present via Tailscale.

But if you set up your tunnels correctly, it should still be reachable
via its interface that is on what your ceph.confs have for "public
network". Since this network is needed to do any ceph client actions
at all, it would presumably be routed over the tunnel and hence the
offsite client should talk to the same ip/port as any local ceph
clients would.

> I have two separate networks on the cluster: the cluster internal
> network just for the Ceph nodes and the public / client network, which
> is physically separate.
> How can I add the VPN interface to Ceph to bind to for client mount requests?

While I don't think this is necessary (nor a good idea), the ceph mons
will bind to an interface whose IP is inside the network range of the
public network in the ceph.conf, so that would be the first step.
Also, I would guess it doesn't bind to interfaces who do not exist or
at least is not up when ceph-mon starts, so that is a second part.

But do mind that ceph only needs basic ip connectivity which can be
over zero, one or many router hops or tunnels, so it is not important
for the ceph mon to listen to the inner wg interface, if you have
configured your tunnel correctly.

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