> my OSDs are running odroid-hc4's and they only have about 4GB of memory,
> and every 10 minutes a random OSD crashes due to out of memory. Sadly the
> whole machine gets unresponsive when the memory gets completely full, so no
> ssh access or prometheus output in the meantime.

> I've set the memory limit very low on all OSDs:
> for i in {0..17} ; do sudo ceph config set osd.$i osd_memory_target
> 939524096 ; done     which is the absolute minimum, about 0.9GB.
> Why are the OSDs not respecting this limit?

The memory limit you set with osd_memory_target is about the parts
that _can_ scale up and down memory usage, like read caches and so
forth, but it is not all of the needed RAM to run an OSD with many
PGs/Objects.  If the box is too small, it is too small.

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