Den tis 13 dec. 2022 kl 17:47 skrev Vladimir Brik
> Hello
> I have a bunch of HDD OSDs with DB/WAL devices on SSD. If
> the current trends continue, the DB/WAL devices will become
> full before the HDDs completely fill up (e.g. a 50% full HDD
> has DB/WAL device that is about 65% full).
> Will anything terrible happen when DB/WAL devices fill up?
> Will RocksDB just put whatever doesn't fit in DB/WAL SSD on
> the HDD?

The DB uses "fixed" sizes like 3,30,300G for different levels of data,
and when it needs to start fill a new level and it doesn't fit, this
level moves over to the data device. While one can change DB sizes, at
least previously, the 3,30,300 sizes were what RocksDB used so DB
sizes in between these sizes would just leave unused space.

WAL data is more temporary in nature and will probably both be
somewhat small compared to 30-300G DB, and will probably just force
writes directly to the main device in case it runs full.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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