I am just reading through this document (
https://docs.ceph.com/en/octopus/radosgw/config-ref/) and on the top is

The following settings may added to the Ceph configuration file (i.e.,
> usually ceph.conf) under the [client.radosgw.{instance-name}] section.

And my ceph.conf looks like this:

> rgw_frontends = beast endpoint=[::]:7482
> rgw_region = eu
> rgw_zone = eu-central-1
> [client.eu-central-1-s3db3-old]
> rgw_frontends = beast endpoint=[::]:7480
> rgw_region = eu
> rgw_zone = eu-central-1
> [client.eu-customer-1-s3db3]
> rgw_frontends = beast endpoint=[::]:7481
> rgw_region = eu-someother
> rgw_zone = eu-someother-1

Do I need to change the section names? It also seems that rgw_region is a
non-existing config value (this might have come from very old RHCS

Would be very nice if someone could help me clarify this.

Cheers and happy weekend
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