> The problem I’m seeing is after setting up RadosGW I can only upload to “S3” 
> at around 25MBs with the official AWS CLI. Using s3cmd is slightly better at 
> around 45MB/s. I’m going directly to the RadosGW instance with no load 
> balancers in between and no ssl enabled. Just trying to figure out if this is 
> normal. I’m not expecting it to be as fast as writing directly to a RBD but I 
> was kinda hoping for more than this.
> So what should I expect in performance from the RadosGW?

For s3cmd, I have some perf options I use,

multipart_chunk_size_mb = 256
send_chunk = 262144
recv_chunk = 262144
and frequently see 100-150MB/s for well connected client runs,
especially if you repeat uploads and use s3cmd's   --cache-file=FILE
option so that you don't benchmark your local computers ability to
checksum the object(s).

But I would also consider using rclone and/or something that actually
makes sure to split up large files/objects and uploads them in
parallel. We have hdd+nvme clusters on 25GE networks that ingest some
1.5-2 GB/s using lots of threads and many clients, but the totals are
in that vicinity. Several load balancers and some 6-9 rgws to share
the load helps there.

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